Sunday, October 11, 2015

Demon in the House

Seeing Angels:

I know a few people who have seen angels.  I have not seen an angel.  I did once see a demon.  It was late at night and my wife and I were asleep.  I was young and in the military.  I was a relatively new christian from the stand point I did not have a lot of biblical knowledge especially when it came to Angels and Demons.

We lived on in government housing at the Army base I was assigned.  There wasn't anything special about the quarters.  It was the usual drab concrete wall structure that was dated to the 60s and 70s architecture.  We had been there for over a year with our four children most very young with two still in diapers.

I typically do not sleep well and will normally hear if someone even tiptoes into my room.  I don't know if it was because of my background, the military, or because I would always be ready to hear if my children were stirring or crying.  For whatever the reason I was awaken from my sleep and rolled over as I am accustomed.  This was different.

When I rolled over I felt strange.  At first I thought maybe I heard one of the kids and just waited a few minutes.  Most of the time they would gently cry themselves back to sleep once they found there pacifier.  If they continued crying I would normally get up.  My wife was usually exhausted after chasing the four kids around the house and had always been a deep sleeper.  She would get up if she know I had an early appointment or if I had an hard day in the field.

This night she didn't make a sound or try to move.  Not really a problem since I didn't have anything special planned or that I need to get up early so I waited at first calmly to see if the noise returned.  I laid in my bed on my back intently listening.  The more I listened the more I came to conclude that if the baby had cried he must have fallen back to sleep.

There was this lingering uneasiness that crept into my bones.  I could feel it like arthritis.  It was an aching without the pain.  It grew steadily as I laid with my eyes closed.  My nerves began to tingle and the peace I normally felt was dissipating at a rapid pace.  Anxiety begin to eek its way worming into my heart.  My pulse kicked up slightly.  I could feel the fight or flight instinct kick in. 

I know the house was secure.  I would do a final round just before we laid down to make sure all the windows and doors were locked.  It wasn't that I expected a break-in, there were scarcely any incidences like that on the post and it was the early 90s.  Times were different but I suppose my fatherly inclinations to protect my family made this almost a compulsive behavior.

I strained all the more to hear even the faintest of sounds.  I was not listening for my children.  I was actively listening for an intruder.  I didn't own a gun.  You couldn't have one in government housing.  My ears stretched like a cat tracking a mouse in the walls.  Still I could hear nothing but the feeling grew stronger.  I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.  Anxiety was changed now to trepidation.

There was no sound in the house but I know there was someone there.  Was it my imagination?  I sat up slowly in the bed and looked toward the door to our room.  The room was rectangular in design with a private bathroom immediately to the left as you enter the master bedroom.  The vanity sink was visible from the bedroom barely due to a half wall with columnar posts running parallel to the back bedroom wall.  There was about a four foot space from the door to the halfwall before entering into the bedroom proper.

I saw a dark shadowy figure standing in the doorway.  At first I thought it was just a shadow or a trick of my mind.  I couldn't make anything out.  It was darker than the room.  In contrast it made the room look brighter.  I was about to concede that my imagination was getting the best of me when I saw it move from outside the doorway and into the room.  It was then I noticed the human like stature of a man.

It wasn't a man.  It ducked under the header of the door.  His shoulders were just below the height of the door.  This thing was tall.  I would guess eight or nine feet in height.  He came into the room with one step resting his gnarled hand on the post of the half wall.  I could not see details only darkness and shape.  The face was impossibly contorted.  The chin was twisted upward and to the left.  His neck was twisted snake like with oddly shaped knots on his cheeks and neck like massive cancerous tumors.

A dark cloak hung from the massive frame.  I could not see the end of the cloak as the edges seem to fade into the darkness of the room but I could tell it moved eerily.  A sort of smoke seemed to drift off this creature in dark ribbons streaming in all directions.

What was I suppose to do?  I tried to wake my wife by covertly tapping her on her side.  Nothing, no movement, no moan, and definitely no waking.  I tried to call out her name but my voice did not respond.  The fear started to permeate the entire room.  Sinister movements and I could swear I saw an nefarious grin from the creature. It was time I acted.

I did the only think I could possibly do in this situation.  I bet you think I prayed or cast out the demon.  Well your wrong.  I pulled the covers over my head like I did when I was a child to hide from whatever boogieman I thought was under my bed.  That's right folks.  I quivered in my bed.  I did finally pray but the only thing that came to mind was "Jesus."  At first I could only think His name.  After what seemed like hours I could say "Jesus! Jesus!."  Don't let the exclamation marks full you.  I thought it bodly, but it came out sheepish.

Slowly the atmosphere changed.  I regained my peace and peeked through slits in my tightly closed eyes and from under the covers.  The creature wasn't there any longer.  Some would still say that I imagined the whole thing or that it was a panic attack, or some other reason to numerous to list here.  I'm here to tell you that in fact it was real.  It was as tangible as the air I breath.

Just like angels, demons can inhabit dwellings.  They are given permission by someone along the line to have access.  Whether the access is to a physical structure or demonic possession the fact remains that they are real and active in this world.  I often chuckle at people now.  Not in a superior I know everything kind of way but at the concepts of life and death.

I hear people say that they believe in angels but don't believe in demons or hell.  These are Christians professing this ideology.  Demons are angels that have left the perfect state and are fallen.  How can you believe in angels and not demons.  It is truly a masterful deception the enemy has concocted.  The Word of God said himself that demons are among us and interact in this world.  There are rules to there activities and limitations to what they can do.  Look at Job.  If you believe in the Bible how can you pick and choose what you want to accept.  Don't fear for we are In the Arms of the Angels where Demons Dare to Tread.

I hope one day I can see angels before I die.  Some people have.  Have you?  Tell me your story.