Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I stand with Trump.  I know this is not a popular thing to say and I know he is flawed.  So you ask, "Why do you support him?"  The answer boils down to my Christian belief.  I believe God has put him in place because this nation is going down a road which leads to destruction.

Abortion is not a right.  Nobody has the right to kill another person. Live begins at conception and we should not be murdering the innocent.  The Old Testament told of blood sacrifices made to ancient gods.  Abortion is the same act accept it is socially "acceptable" but cannot be accepted by any true Christian.

The same can be said with Homosexuality.  God did not make people to engage in acts of sodomy or perversion of sexual acts.  Those who think it is old testament and not for now are deluded.  God said be fruitful and multiple, (can't be done in a homosexual relationship).  God said it is an abomination. 

Sure you can get mad and call me names but the Truth is the Truth regardless of whether 90% of people don't believe it.

So Donald Trump represents the best choice in defending the Christian faith, has protected our rights which ARE under attack and defends our right to Bear Arms.  I do not see any other choice nor do I see any Democrat stating what they can do for the country.  All I hear from the left is what they will take away.  This is not America.  This is not the ideal established in our Constitution.

I stand with Christ and only follow those who stand with him as well and not just give lip service.  For all you "Christians" out there who believe in the above, I ask you rethink your position as it leads down a dark and fiery path.

Monday, April 1, 2019

There is so much animosity, to be polite, toward Christians and Christian beliefs it is staggering.  We are a country of freedoms but it seem it is ok to belittle and persecute Christians, but say anything about Muslims and fell the anger.  Most Christians are peaceful and loving.  It is only because we have a moral stance which brushes up against those who don't share our belief.  Love one another.

Monday, February 11, 2019

It appears the world is ripe for and intervention.  Unfortunately that intervention will come from an evil source.  It has been a long time since Adam first walked the earth.  Before Adam was another society created by the Fallen Angels.  Fallen angels are angels which left their first estate and rebelled against God.  Since they were cast from heaven, their sole desire was to overthrow God and usurp him.  To this end they have plotted, planned, & attempted everything imaginable to this end.

Genesis 6 details one such attempt when they took wives of human females (seed of man) and began having children which became giants.  Before this, and/or during this same time, they impregnated animals.  This lead to the legends of old where Centaurs, Satyrs, & other monsters were created through this vile deprivation.   These became the myths of Roman & Greek mythology. 

People ask, "Why did God kill even the children with the flood?"  This conundrum seems irreconcilable.  It isn't if you consider what was occurring during the times of Noah. The fallen angels knew of the plan of God to redeem man through Jesus Christ.  Their attempt was to destroy the pure bloodline of Christ.  When God chose Noah it was due to him being pure.  God had destroy all life due to the infestation of demonic blood.  I should stop and say there is a difference between the "Fallen Angels" & "Demons".

When Angels created offspring after their own seed, they did not/cannot be redeemed.  This left may spirits of demons without a place to go upon death.  When God destroyed the demon seed from the earth, their spirits were left without a place to go.  These are the evil spirits that posses people.  These are those which can be cast out like "Legion."  Knowing the whole world was corrupt & had mingled themselves with the seed of the Fallen Angels, God had to preserve his promise to Adam and intervene with a flood.

With the destruction of the whole world through the flood, God reset mankind and caused the pollution of the seed of man.  After the flood, it appears Giants, (offspring of Angels) tried to reinsert themselves into the world.  The exact way was not indicated but you can infer that it was completed in like manner.  Why is this important?

Another question which people ask is how can God tell Israel to kill all men, women, children, & animals when Moses, Joshua, & Caleb came out of Eygpt.  If you look at the biblical account, the Jews saw men who where giants in which they seemed like "grasshoppers."  The Fallen Angels again where trying to reinsert their prodigy.  God called upon Israel to destroy the giant races again.  It is the same plan attempted at a different era.

Lets look at today and see how this plan is continuing to perpetuate just in a different way.

The UFO phenomena is the latest attempt by the Fallen Angels to try to destroy mankind.  It is very interesting to note the majority of "abductions" have dealt with sexual reproduction or probing.  Technology is advancing and if you look at the end game, you can easily see the manipulation to once again try to infect humanity.

Technology has advanced to the point where we can now manipulate DNA.  If we can produce copies of giants through DNA found in bones, they can de-facto resurrect their children having the wandering spirits (disembodied demons) to return to their new manufactured home.

This leads to the Mark of the Beast which I will address at a later date.

What do you think?